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Hans Dietz - Fabrication of Ticket and Sealing Pliers

Sealing wire in bundles of 1.000 wires, in lengths of 100 mm

Sealing wire in bundles of 1.000 wires, in lengths of 100 mm


Article number: 9195100
Stamp: 100 mm - Länge
Model: 9195

for 12.54 €
Incl. 19.00% tax.

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Hans Dietz
Fabrication of Ticket
and Sealing Pliers
Königstraße 59
42853 Remscheid
Telephone: +49 2191-782 04-99
Telefax: +49 2191-782 04-20
E-Mail: info@dietz-zangen.de
A brand of:
Wilh. Schmitt & Comp.
GmbH & Co. KG