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Hans Dietz - Fabrication of Ticket and Sealing Pliers

Ticket Plier, 165 mm, nickel-plated, Round Punch 3 mm

Ticket Plier, 165 mm, nickel-plated, Round Punch 3 mm

Article number: 9404000
Stamp: 31/11
Model: 9404

for 66.31 €
Incl. 19.00% tax.

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Hans Dietz
Fabrication of Ticket
and Sealing Pliers
Königstraße 59
42853 Remscheid
Telephone: +49 2191-782 04-99
Telefax: +49 2191-782 04-20
E-Mail: info@dietz-zangen.de
A brand of:
Wilh. Schmitt & Comp.
GmbH & Co. KG